Oh, Kim Soo-hyun. Noona Slayer, wearer of strange clothes, king of the sexy furrowed brow. What have you done to us? Is there a cure? And if so, do we even want to know? Gonna go out on a limb and say we’re pretty content to stay this way for a long, long time.
Kim Soo-hyun is currently rocking it out as country-bumpkin-turned-hottie Song Sam-dong in KBS’s Dream High (aka Kicker of My Princess’s Ass, aka Girlfriday’s Winning Horse). Here he poses for a spread in the March issue of Marie Claire Korea.
I know, we all loved him before Crack High. But tell the truth…didn’t you go from oh cute toSWOON when you heard him sing? And that’s not even counting his amazing presence as an actor. For someone still so young (**ducks for cover**) and green in his career, he speaks volumes in a look, and in a moment of silence.
JYP or no awesome Robo-JYP, if Sam-dong doesn’t end up being K, imma slap a bitch.
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