"With my cousin, Syarifah Aishah Farhana!"
Talk about holiday, i think i want to share with you about my holiday to Europe! Can't believe it? Me too! I can't believe that too! It's like a dream! Oh my God ~ Fuhh ~ This is my first time to go to Europe . Okey, cukuplah berbhase inggeris, blom tntu lgi grammar sy tu btol or x . Mm ... Bile kitorg smpai kat sana, Oh My Gosh, first time nmpk salji dpn mata sy . Bile nmpk salji je, terus nk tido ats tuh! Time sentuh salji, mcm nk mati! Sbb sejuk sgt! X pe la, mmg pengalaman yg sungguh tidak dpt dilupakan smpai bile2! Love you, Switzerland, France and UK!
Switzerland : Geneva
France : Paris & Grenoble
UK : London
"In Stansted Airport"
Okay, yg kat ats tuh perasaan sy time smpai kat sana and tmpt2 yg sy pegi . Yg gmbr tu plk, kitorg kat Stansted Airport . Serik! X nk pegi overseas buln 12! Serik sgt dh! Sejuk sgt! Tpi x pe, itu mmg pengalaman sy kat sana .
"Wow! Bergaya dgn snow!"
Hehe! I love that car! Semat gile! Dh laa ad salji kat ats tuh! I love snow! *walaupon snow membuatkan ak rse nk mati* . Still love the snow! Huh, knp holiday sy kat sana sungguh membuatkan sy rse tertekan amat2! Maybe my cousin ikut my family pegi holiday jgk kot . I HATE YOU, MY DEAREST COUSIN! YOU'RE SUCH A LOUSY GIRL! JUST GO AWAY FROM MY LIFE, can you? Go Go Away, Eh Eh Eh Eh *singing 4 Minutes song* . Seriously, i hate this holiday . But, sy suke tmpt yg sy lawati . Hehe .
"In Metro! It looks like LRT, but it's still different"
Haha . Sy skrg bersama dgn cousin sy yg menyampah tuh . Muka sy mmg terookk! I hate that! Muka sy mmg mcm tu klau terlalu sejuk, panas dan x selesa . Sy mmg x selesa mse tu! Dgn beg besar nye! Menyusahkan org je! Keadaan kat sana mmg sesak, mcm traffic jam kat jalan raya . Org putih mmg jalan laju! Klau spe2 yg jalan lmbt, nahas engkau! Engkau akn dilanggar! Yeah, truthly talk, mmg sy prnh dilanggar . xDDD
"Walk on the snow"
I like this time! Berjalan ats salji, wow, romantik gile klau jalan ngn org yg kite syg, right? Haha . Forget it . Wrne tulisan yg sy wat nie, mcm wrne yam kan? Haha . Sje je, sbb, i love yam! Especially it's a cake! ^^ Cntik btol bench kat sana . Dipenuhi dgn salji . Jmpe x sy? Sy yg pegang payung tuh, *my bro punye payung* . Sy sorg je yg pegang payung sbb sy special *prsn lbih!* Okey2, sy gune payung sbb mse tu salji tgh turun . So, klau x gune payung, nnti salji jatuh ats kite, klau salji jatuh ats kite, nnti salji cair . Klau salji cair, coat kite basah, klau coat basah, kite akn kesejukan . Understand?
Mse gmbr kat ats tuh, kitorg menuju ke Eiffel Tower!
Mse gmbr kat ats tuh, kitorg menuju ke Eiffel Tower!
"Sleep on the snow is the best thing ever!"
Haha . Mse nie sy tgh tido ats salji . Best sgt! Lembut je! Satu perkara yg sy impikan sgt, tpi x dpt . Sy nk buat SNOWMAN . Huh . Tpi x jdi! Sbb tgn sy keras . ==" X de laa . Gurau je . Mne ade tgn keras, lmbut jehh! Sy pon x leh tido lme2, sbb nnti salji msuk dlm mata .
"We've arrived! Congratulation!"
Actually, kitorg pegi kat Eiffel Tower, 2 kali! Sbb .. yg first tuh, ad bnyk salji! Jdi kitorg x bleh nk naik Eiffel Tower . So, kitorg bergmbr je laa . Sedih . Tsk3 :'( . X sedih pon . Sje je . Sy kene turun tangga dgn berhati-hati sbb tangga tu licin disbbkan salji . Serabut je salji nie .
"The second time"
Okey! Gmbr kat ats tuh, yg second time sy pegi kat Eiffel Tower . Haha . Mmg best jgk ah Eiffel Tower tuh . Tinggi sgt! Tkut sy! Cntik x gmbr sy tuh? Mcm sy pegang Eiffel Tower btol2 kan? Tol x ? Haha . Gayat gop ah naik ats tuh . Tpi kat ats tuh, sungguh membosankan . Sbb x de pape pon, ade tmpt jual barang je . Time nk turun tuh, rmai gile pelancong! Nk naik Eurostar pegi Grenoble pon susah! Ish3!
X pe laa, next time sy cite lgi, okey? Klau sy rjin, sy cite laa lgi, x susah pon . Haha .
See you next time! Same Day! Same Time! Bye Bye! *Cam iklan tv je*
See you next time! Same Day! Same Time! Bye Bye! *Cam iklan tv je*
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