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Hatsune Miku


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Wednesday 1 June 2011

110527 HD Boyfriend Intro and Boyfriend Music Bank Debut Stage

Uh3 . Can't stop watching this mv! ><

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[HD] Boyfriend - Intro(water floor) + Boyfriend

Maybe I'm crazy now? :3

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[HD] Boyfriend - Water Floor [Teaser MV]

Omomomomomomomo! I know the future of this mv! Everyone will watch this mv! Everyone will love this mv! I know it! <3

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Tuesday 31 May 2011


"Lee Jeongmin

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"Kim Donghyun"

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"No Minwoo"

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Omo omo omo . Klau bleh, sume  sy nk ambik! Nnti org ckp ape plak kan? But truthly, JO TWINS IS THE BEST! Like BEAST is the B2ST! <3

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Camne? Sme x muka diorg? Of course la sme! Diorg kembar! Diorg twins! JO TWINS! Kalau dlm gmbr nie, Jo Youngmin lbih hensem dri Jo Kwangmin plak, kan? Tol x ? Hehe . SubhanAllah . Hensemnye . X tau nk kata pe lgi . :D

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Hah! Yg kat ats tuh, pon hensem jgk! Kan kan kan? Hehe! Camne? Muka dye lbih kurang je cam Jo Kwangmin kan? Tol x ? Sbb, diorg nie kembar! Sbb tu lah muka seiras! Sbb tu lah sy minat sgt kat diorg nie! Diorg nie dikenali sbgai JO TWINS . Tpi sy lbih suke Jo Kwangmin . Sbb senyuman dye menawan! Bleh pengsan sy! I'm crazy now! Woohoo! xDDD

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Omo! Hensemnye! I think, he can replace my Kikwang oppa . Hehe . Kikwang, Kwangmin . Lebih kurang je nme diorg! Btol x ? Haha! Tpi, tgk muka plak, mne yg lbih hensem . Kikwang or Kwangmin . Of course la Kwangmin! He's absolutely the gorgeous! I love him so much! Bye Kikwang! JO KWANGMIN will be my love! FOREVER! ^^

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Saturday 21 May 2011


Wow! Ad peningkatan blog sy nih . Hahaha . Bgslah klau mcm tuh . Klau bleh, nk tandingi blog lyssa . LOL . Haha . X mungkin . Dye tuh SUPER BLOGGER! Btol x ? Btol x ? Yea, btol! Clap our hands! *clap* 
Bye . Sje je nk tulis . Ntuk menghilangkan kebosanan . :D
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Tuesday 17 May 2011


"With my cousin, Syarifah Aishah Farhana!"

Talk about holiday, i think i want to share with you about my holiday to Europe! Can't believe it? Me too! I can't believe that too! It's like a dream! Oh my God ~ Fuhh ~ This is my first time to go to Europe . Okey, cukuplah berbhase inggeris, blom tntu lgi grammar sy tu btol or x . Mm ...  Bile kitorg smpai kat sana, Oh My Gosh, first time nmpk salji dpn mata sy . Bile nmpk salji je, terus nk tido ats tuh! Time sentuh salji, mcm nk mati! Sbb sejuk sgt! X pe la, mmg pengalaman yg sungguh tidak dpt dilupakan smpai bile2! Love you, Switzerland, France and UK!
Switzerland : Geneva
France : Paris & Grenoble
UK : London

"In Stansted Airport"

Okay, yg kat ats tuh perasaan sy time smpai kat sana and tmpt2 yg sy pegi . Yg gmbr tu plk, kitorg kat Stansted Airport . Serik! X nk pegi overseas buln 12! Serik sgt dh! Sejuk sgt! Tpi x pe, itu mmg pengalaman sy kat sana .

"Wow! Bergaya dgn snow!"

Hehe! I love that car! Semat gile! Dh laa ad salji kat ats tuh! I love snow! *walaupon snow membuatkan ak rse nk mati* . Still love the snow! Huh, knp holiday sy kat sana sungguh membuatkan sy rse tertekan amat2! Maybe my cousin ikut my family pegi holiday jgk kot . I HATE YOU, MY DEAREST COUSIN! YOU'RE SUCH A LOUSY GIRL! JUST GO AWAY FROM MY LIFE, can you? Go Go Away, Eh Eh Eh Eh *singing 4 Minutes song* . Seriously, i hate this holiday . But, sy suke tmpt yg sy lawati . Hehe .

"In Metro! It looks like LRT, but it's still different"

Haha . Sy skrg bersama dgn cousin sy yg menyampah tuh . Muka sy mmg terookk! I hate that! Muka sy mmg mcm tu klau terlalu sejuk, panas dan x selesa . Sy mmg x selesa mse tu! Dgn beg besar nye!  Menyusahkan org je! Keadaan kat sana mmg sesak, mcm traffic jam kat jalan raya . Org putih mmg jalan laju! Klau spe2 yg jalan lmbt, nahas engkau! Engkau akn dilanggar! Yeah, truthly talk, mmg sy prnh dilanggar . xDDD

"Walk on the snow"

I like this time! Berjalan ats salji, wow, romantik gile klau jalan ngn org yg kite syg, right? Haha . Forget it . Wrne tulisan yg sy wat nie, mcm wrne yam kan? Haha . Sje je, sbb, i love yam! Especially it's a cake! ^^ Cntik btol bench kat sana . Dipenuhi dgn salji .  Jmpe x sy? Sy yg pegang payung tuh, *my bro punye payung* . Sy sorg je yg pegang payung sbb sy special *prsn lbih!*  Okey2, sy gune payung sbb mse tu salji tgh turun . So, klau x gune payung, nnti salji jatuh ats kite, klau salji jatuh ats kite, nnti salji cair . Klau salji cair, coat kite basah, klau coat basah, kite akn kesejukan . Understand?
Mse gmbr kat ats tuh, kitorg menuju ke Eiffel Tower! 

"Sleep on the snow is the best thing ever!"

Haha . Mse nie sy tgh tido ats salji . Best sgt! Lembut je! Satu perkara yg sy impikan sgt, tpi x dpt . Sy nk buat SNOWMAN . Huh . Tpi x jdi! Sbb tgn sy keras . ==" X de laa . Gurau je . Mne ade tgn keras, lmbut jehh! Sy pon x leh tido lme2, sbb nnti salji msuk dlm mata .

"We've arrived! Congratulation!"

Actually, kitorg pegi kat Eiffel Tower, 2 kali! Sbb .. yg first tuh, ad bnyk salji! Jdi kitorg x bleh nk naik Eiffel Tower . So, kitorg bergmbr je laa . Sedih . Tsk3 :'( . X sedih pon . Sje je . Sy kene turun tangga dgn berhati-hati sbb tangga tu licin disbbkan salji . Serabut je salji nie .

"The second time"

Okey! Gmbr kat ats tuh, yg second time sy pegi kat Eiffel Tower . Haha .  Mmg best jgk ah Eiffel Tower tuh . Tinggi sgt! Tkut sy! Cntik x gmbr sy tuh? Mcm sy pegang Eiffel Tower btol2 kan? Tol x ? Haha . Gayat gop ah naik ats tuh .  Tpi kat ats tuh, sungguh membosankan . Sbb x de pape pon, ade tmpt jual barang je . Time nk turun tuh, rmai gile pelancong! Nk naik Eurostar pegi Grenoble pon susah! Ish3!

X pe laa, next time sy cite lgi, okey? Klau sy rjin, sy cite laa lgi, x susah pon . Haha .
See you next time! Same Day! Same Time! Bye Bye! *Cam iklan tv je*

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Thursday 12 May 2011


"Prince Charming"

Aahh! X mungkin Prince Charming sy mcm yg kat ats tuh! Yg tu Prince Charming Jihah  sorg je! Ahh! Oke2 . Ari tu rsenye sy terjmpe my Prince Charming . Dye form 2 'kot' . Hensem jgk laa . Kulit muke dye wrne putih2 gitu . Tdi rsenye sy nmpk dye lgi . X smpt nk renung muke dye lme2! Sedih btol! Knp Kecha ngn Jihah jln laju sgt! Nk blik je, bukn umah kite lari . Huh . Rsenye dye form 2 . Tpi Tengku ckp dye form 5 . Nma dye Syakir . *Jgn bgtau spe2 eh* . Yg tu Tengku ckp laa . X tau btol ke x . Tengku nie bukn nye bleh dipercayai . Suke tipu org . Haha! *Jgn marah ye, wahai Tengku* . X pe laa . Rsenye sy ade bnyk Prince Charming . Biar sy kire dulu, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ! Haha! Bgs2! I love it!

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My Beloved Brother

"I Love You, Along a.k.a. Mohamad Ridhuan b. Shukor!"

Sy nk ckp pasal abg sy yg tersyg!  Hoho! Maybe dlm gmbr nie dye x sehensem mne *sure abg aku marah klau dye bace* . Tapi klau kat London, Paris & Switzerland ari tu, mmg he's absolutely the gorgeous and handsome! Mmg hensem gile! Nk jdi gile sy! Dgn bju sejuk sume tuh, aduh! X tau nk ckp cmne . Actually, sy ade dua org abg . Yg gmbr kat ats tuh, abg yg sulung . Yg second, namanye Muhammad Luqman b. Shukor . Yg nie gile laa skit . Suke cari pasal ngan org . Kalau org marah dye skit, ade laa nk buat org sakit ati . Mmg dye pikir pasal diri dye je! Huh! X pe2 . Abg sy yg tersyg mmg baik dan bijak . Beberapa thn yg lps dye beli sweater ntuk sy yg berharga RM 100 lbih klau ikut hrga euro *Perancis* . Abg sy nie cerdik sgt! Dye dpt 12A+ dlm SPM beberapa thn lps . Mmg patut sgt klau my parents lbih syg abg sy yg sulung berbanding abg sy yg the second tuh . Abg sy yg the second tuh cerdik jgk, cuma x dpt laa 12A . Cuma dpt 6A je *seingt sy laa* . Disbbkan abg sy cari pasal ngan sy, kitorg dh buat pertempuran PERANG DUNIA YG KETIGA . Haha! Sure laa kemenangan tu milik sy sbb my parents lbih bela sy berbanding abg sy yg gile otaknye itu . X pe2 . Ahh! Sy masih ingt first time dye nk pegi Perancis sbb nk smbung bljr kat sana . Dye cium sy, sy pon cium dye! Mujur bukn cium kat mulut . ==" Cium kat pipi je laa! Kan setiap thn dye balik umah sy, time dye nk pegi blik kat sana *Perancis*, mesti dye cium sy! I like it so much! Tapi skrg dh x, sbb sy dh besar . Itulah keburukan menjadi remaja / dewasa . Jdi pengajarannya ialah, kite haruslah sntiasa beranggapan yg kite ini masih baby dan masih kecil supaya dpt ciuman dari org yg kite suka . Sekian, terima kasih . XD Sudah ah ngarut! Sure my love is only for you, Along a.k.a Mohamad Ridhuan Shukor! :D One more cute picture of my beloved brother .

Abg sy berada disebelah kiri . Dye nk cium sy laa tu! xDDD

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Wednesday 11 May 2011


"Kpop is Life"

Ari nie sy nk ckp pasal KPOP! I love Kpop!  Maybe klau sy x knl Kpop, jdi mcm org KETINGGALAN ZAMAN kot (jgn marah) . Pd pendpt sy je laa . Haha . Org skrg nie kan dh rmai mnat Kpop smpai nyanyi lgu diorg kat AKADEMI FANTASIA . Ish3, teruk2! Dh laa nyanyi x best! Sebutan bhase Korea pon salah! Sy dgr dye sbut, ONION SAYUR, sepatutnye ANNYEONGHASEYO . Kan, kan, kan? Btol x ? Hehe . X pe laa, pndai2 laa teka spe dye itu . xDDD Okey, ini senarai Kpop pilihan sy :

1. Lee Kikwang - B2ST
2. Lee Byung Hun a.k.a L.Joe - Teen Top
3. Jinyoung - B1A4 (group bru)
4. Gongchan - B1A4
5. Jonghyun - SHINee
6. Changmin - TVXQ
7. Kevin - U-Kiss
8. Hoon - U-Kiss
9. Junhyung - B2ST
10. Niel - Teen Top
11. Woohyun - Infinite
12. Jiyeon - T-Ara
13. Jessica - SNSD a.k.a Girls Generation a.k.a Seo Nyeo Shi Dae
14. Lee Joon - MBlaq
15. Mir - MBlaq
16. Yejun - F.Cuz
17. Lee U - F.Cuz
18. Kan - F.Cuz
19. Seungri - Big Bang
20. G Dragon - Big Bang
21. Kyuhyun - Suju a.k.a Super Junior
22. Hyunah - 4 Minute
23. Sandara Park - 2NE1
24. Yonghwa - CNBlue
25. Choi Gina a.k.a G.Na 
26. BoA
27. Suzie - Miss A
28. Fei - Miss A
29. Min - Miss A
30. Hara - Kara
31. Hyosung - Secret
32. IU a.k.a Lee Ji Eun
33. Chansung - 2PM
34. Seulong - 2AM
35. Lee Hongki - FT Island
36. Victoria - F(x)
37. Sulli - F(x)

Pendek kata, bleh sume Kpop sy suke! Haha! Tpi org ckp sy nie lbih2 lop . Biar laa ape org ckp, yg penting kite ENJOY! xDD
BYE! Jmpe lgi! 

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Saturday 7 May 2011


Disbbkan Kecha laa, sy jdi terminat dh skit K-ON yg kiut-miut nie! 

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Kalau ckp pasal Hari Ibu nie, mmg sy suke sgt2! Dpt kluar mkn kat restoran! Hehe! X lah, gurau je . My Mama is great! My Mama is superwoman! I love you Mama! You're DROP DEAD GEORGOUS! I love you so much! Thanx Mama, sbb masak mknan yg best2 . Thanx Mama, sbb jage sy dari kecik . Thanx Mama, sbb sanggup berjaga mlm demi menjaga sy yg masih kecik dan masih baby . Thanx Mama, sbb sanggup bersusah payah demi sy yg masih x tau pape lagi nie . Thanx Mama, sbb masih menjaga sy smpai skrg nie! THANK YOU SO MUCH, MAMA! YOU'RE MY INSPIRATION! YOU'RE MY IDOL! YOU'RE MY MOTHER TODAY, TOMORROW AND FOREVER! I LOVE YOU! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MAMA! ^^


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Friday 6 May 2011


"Two beautiful girls"

Okay! Kali nie sy nk ckp pasal kitorg! "KITORG" I mean, sy dan Kecha! Sy ngan Kecha mmg kwn baik! Nama penuh dye, Khalisa bt Ahmad . Dye baik ngat! Dye cute gk . Ade dua org bdk laki nk ke ye . Haha! Tgk gmbr kat atas tuh, cute kan? Actually, sy ade kwn baik yg lain, nama nye Izah . Tapi dye pindah sklh . I miss her! I miss you, Izah! Come back to me, please! x pe laa, at least dye masih ingt kat sy . Oke2 . Dulu sy gaduh ngan Kecha . Mcm x lengkap hidup sy tnpa dye . Ye laa kan, dimana sy berada, disitulah Kecha! Dimana Kecha berada, disitulah sy! Haha! x pe2 . Pasal sy gaduh ngan dye tuh, sy anggap yg perkara tu x pernah wujud langsung! Dulu sy ade ramai geng . Kecha, Izah, Aqilah, Najihah, Syakirah, Elia & Niki! Without them, my life isn't perfect! Believe it! 
Dulu sy pon ade musuh . Najah, Izzati & Anis . Itulah musuh sy! Diorg mmg nmpk kelemahan geng sy! Btol laa ape yg org ckp, hanya musuh kite je yg nmpk kelemahan kite, kan kan kan? Kalau diorg x sakitkan ati sy walaupon skali, mmg x sah! Mmg diorg tu gile yg teramat sgt! Forget about them! Kalau nk ckp pasal diorg dlm nie pon, x de gunenye, sbb diorg bukn nye ade blog! Diorg mmg ketinggalan zaman! Wahaha! xDDD  Kecha ngan sy nie mcm kacang ngan kulit . (btol ke peribahasa tu?) Kitorg mmg rapat! Kalau dye tinggalkan sy, mmg sy ngajuk! Sy nie mmg manja . Mungkin sbb tu ade sesetgh org tu x suke kwn ngan sy sbb sy suke ngajuk . X pe2! Kecha sntiasa bersama sy sbb dye ialah seorg kwn yg baik! I love you Kecha! Kecha, awk kwn sy didunia dan diakhirat smpai bile2! AMIN! ^^

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Saturday 16 April 2011



"An apple a day, keeps the doctor away."

1. Mulakan hari anda dgn air suam diperah limau nipis.

2. Sarapan pagi jgn dilupakan. ( Jgn mkn makanan yg berat yg menyebabkan rasa mengantuk dan mls. )

3.  Mkn berpada-pada pada waktu rehat.

4. Mkn tengah hari yg berkadar sederhana. ( Berhenti mkn sebelum kenyang. )

5. Minum ptg yg menyihatkan. ( Minum segelas jus, sepotong kuih yg tidak berlemak. )

6. Mkn mlm yg terkawal. ( Mkn mlm sebelum pukul 8.00 mlm. )

7. Segarkan tubuh dgn air mineral. ( Jus buah-buahan dibenarkan, tetapi lebih elok jika tidak ditambahkan seberang gula. )

8. Rajin bersenam setiap hari. ( Tetapkan masa bersenam iaitu setiap hari drpd pukul 4.00 ptg hingga pukul 6.00 ptg. )

9. Motivasikan diri setiap hari.
- Lempar jauh2 rasa rendah diri.

10. Tanam azam dlm hati : Kuruskan badan demi kesihatan masa depan!
- Apabila gemuk : Susah bergerak.
- Apabila gemuk : Senang dpt penyakit jantung.
- Apabila gemuk : Mudah dpt penyakit darah tinggi.
- Apabila gemuk : Kolesterol dlm darah meningkat, diserang strok.
- Apabila gemuk : Cepat penat.
- Apabila gemuk : Lenguh kaki sbb menampung berat badan berlebihan.
- Apabila gemuk : Kuruskan badan demi kesihatan masa depan!

Okay! That's all, guys! Hope you read this! Good luck to you! ^^

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Thursday 14 April 2011



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Friday 8 April 2011

[Full HD] U-Kiss - 0330 [Full] MV

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X-5 (Teaser 2)

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X-5 Teaser

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Thursday 7 April 2011

Friday 1 April 2011

[MV] 4Minute - Heart To Heart (HD)

This mv is so cute!
Jungshin is in there too! <3

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Friday 18 March 2011


Is this really really VIU dance ? I can't believe it! I'm so speechless~
The truth I'm saying, their dance are so bad now!

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Their dance is poweful but Beast is more better than this~
Whatever it is, Infinite is the best! ^^

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Saturday 12 March 2011


Popular girl group 2NE1 traveled to Japan recently to make their highly anticipated debut with “Go Away“, however, the deadly 8.9-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami caused for a drastic change in plans.
2NE1’s representatives spoke with Star News and revealed, “2NE1 will return home on the 12th by a plane. All members are safe and doing just fine.
Many fans were worried over the girls’ safety, however Sandara Park and Park Bom both reassured fans with updates on their personal me2day.
Meanwhile, it’s been officially reported that the total death count from the earthquake has exceeded 400, but it’s expected to rise greatly.
Our prayers go out to those affected by the monstrous natural disaster.
Source + Photo: Star News via Nate

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The upcoming episode of SBS’s “Running Man” will feature After School’s UEE and actor Park Joon Gyu, who will both participate in a restaurant tour.
The challenge took place in front of Hongik University, and over 20 restaurants were visited by the cast. The chase turned out to be more thrilling due to the high population of citizens in the area at the time.
When UEE returned to the field where the staff was located, however, it was reported that the member had shed tears of embarrassment.
What do you think the reason could be?
The ‘Gourmet Tour’ episode will broadcast on March 13th.
Source + Photo: Daily News via Daum

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Miss A, along with the rest of JYP Nation, is currently in Thailand to perform for MBC’s “50th Anniversary Korean Wave Music Festival” in Bangkok.
miss A’s Jia recently snapped a set of sel-cas with fellow member Suzy, and the two of them look absolutely adorable!
Netizens have been commenting, “Jia’s hairstyle is so good“, “Suzy is always pretty“, “Both of them are beautiful“, “Suzy is so cute“, “Side by side they look so good“.
Source: stoo.com
Tip: etplus18

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After making her mark in the industry with the success of “Black & White,” singer G.NA headed into her follow-up promotions this week with her performance of “I Miss You Already” on today’s episode ofMusic Core.
The subtle image change she’s undergone gives off an innocent touch to the sexy image she’s known for. The ballad track expresses the heartbreaking emotions of a woman dealing with the aftermath of a hard break-up. G.NA’s smooth vocals have already impressed many with the level of depth it gives the song.
Source: TV Report via Nate

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Earlier today, we reported that 2NE1 was planning to return to Korea due to the recent natural disasters affecting Japan. On March 12th, CL was the first member to return safely to Korea.
YG Entertainment representative revealed, “Due to complications with flight reservations, CL has returned to Korea before the other members. The other remaining members will be taking an evening flight to return [to Korea].”
2NE1 left for Japan on March 9th to begin their official Japanese promotions through TV Asahi’s “Music Station” on March 11th. However, the massive earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan yesterday, forced the cancellation of their broadcast.
Source: Newsen via Nate

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